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Video — True Or False? Your Real Estate Agent Can Help You Buy A New-Construction Home

68.5 seconds

Nearly all buyers of new-construction homes — 88%, according to a nation-wide survey in 2013 — involved a real estate agent in the transaction. While it may not be required, if you are considering or buying a new-construction home, you should consider it.

Most new-home construction projects — particularly large developments — have sales staff to assist in the transaction. They are knowledgeable about the project, the home models, and incentives. But in contrast to a real estate buyers agent, their job is the project, not you.

Times have changed; builders expect real estate agents, and frequently the commission for an agent is built in to their pricing. Agents help guide buyers to realistic choices and help them in the complex purchase process. Building a relationship with an agent, and building their knowledge about a development, can also lead more people to the builders project.

If you do have an agent, make sure they are contractually committed to represent you in the process.

If you do not have an agent, look for a buyers agent or new-home cobroker to help.

Adan Harris
January 27, 2023
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