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Video — 7 Tips On Choosing Home Insurance

71.9 seconds
Home insurance is complex and mistakes can cost you. Consider these great tips in choosing yours. One, be familiar with your claims history. The more claims you filed, the more expensive your premium will be. Two. If you're still shopping for a home, consider or compare how each home's size, neighborhood, and other factors such as construction materials might affect rates. Three. Research and read reviews of insurance companies thoroughly. Four. Compare policy options for add-on coverage for any special needs for your specific. Five, Make sure your plan includes loss of use coverage. This covers your expenses while your home is being repaired after an event. Six. Check with your current auto insurance or life insurance provider. You may get a loyalty deal on your home insurance. Seven. Ask friends and family about their home insurance providers and. A great agent is your best ally.
Adan Harris
January 27, 2023
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