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Video — The Real Estate Tricky Stuff — Getting Square Footage Right

63.5 seconds
Home size is one of the key figures used in comparisons. But you may have different measurements to choose from, as you will learn in this video,including builder, appraiser, tax records and possibly owner records. Which one is right, and which one is best? The official figure is the one in tax records - typically, the county. Any other figure must be documentedby a builders floor plan, an appraisalor an official floor plan, prepared by a company for a fee. If your house has been remodeled and you are planning to sell you may want to confirm that the official record matches youractual house - and update if required. Most lenders will require an appraisalwhich will verify the figures you used.So be accurateand keep recordsto make the most of your sale.
Cathy Hills
Content Associate
January 27, 2023
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