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Video — What Does A Home Inspection Actually Cover?

82.5 seconds

Understanding what a "home inspection" does is useful in the purchase (and selling) process.

Home inspectors bring professional knowledge to the job of inspecting the structure, construction, systems and current state of a home. They do not weigh in the value or price of a property, but do provide an objective recommendation of status and recommended repairs.

Things usually included in an inspection:

Top-to-bottom structural state: roof, ceilings, walls, windows, floors and roof.

Electrical system status and safety.

Plumbing and waste disposal system conditions.

Key mechanical systems, including water heaters, heating and A/C.

Ventilation and insulation condition.

Water — source, quality and (potentially) obvious plumbing issues.

Pests — or the absence of. (Pest inspection may be a separate, required step in some communities.)

Look for a home inspector with experience, qualifications and (ideally) time in the local market.

While home inspections may or may not be required under specific market conditions, remember that skipping inspection means you own the house as-is once the deal has closed.

Cathy Hills
Content Associate
January 27, 2023
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