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Video — How The 3-Business-Day Window Differs From Mortgage Loan Estimate To Final Closing Disclosure

49.58 seconds
For mortgage applications, the term business day is used in setting the period of time lenders have to return 2 key forms that document the loan status. The definition is NOT consistent, though!

Loan Estimates, which are a required response for approved loans, are due back to the applicant within 3 business days. In this case, "business day" is every day on which a financial institutions workplaces are open to the general public. If a particular lender is always closed on Thursday, their deadline might be different from that of another lender.

Closing Disclosures must be supplied 3 days prior to consummation of the loan, but in this case, "business day" is defined on a common calendar: all calendar days except Federal public holidays, plus Sundays. In short, all lenders work from the same calendar for Closing Disclosures.

Adan Harris
January 27, 2023
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