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Video — 6 Big Home-Selling Mistakes

90.5 seconds
If you are selling, do not do these things - take some notes from the video! 1. Dont Sell Before The House Is Ready. If it doesnt present well, it will not sell well. 2. Dont Over-Improve People buy houses in neighborhoods. If yours is so improved that it sticks outyoure hurting your chances at selling. 3. Hire Wrong Make your agent choice for business reasons. Personal relationships matter, but experience and expertise will determine financial success in your sale. 4. Dont Hide Anything Covering up or failing to mention real problems doesnt work. State disclosure laws are strictand you can be sued after the sale for anything that should have been made clear. 5. Dont Rush You should know aboutyour mortgage, including pre-payment penaltiesyour market conditions and trendsand your options for your next homebefore jumping on the market. 6. Dont Get Too Emotional Your attachment to your houseand your own financial needs do not really matter in the transaction. If you cant set them asidethe sale will not go as you would like it to. Remember - it was your home, but to the buyer, it is a house.
Adan Harris
January 27, 2023
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