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Video — Realtor Tips On Assessing Your Finances Before Buying A Home

49.6 seconds

Wanting to buy a home and being financially ready to buy a home arent quite the same thing. Your financial situation will affect the process, so you are better off assessing your situation objectively yourself. Here are some of the key factors to know:

Do you have the financial resources for the up-front costs of down payment and closing?

Do your other debts and commitments leave enough cash flow for mortgage payments and the other costs of ownership?

Do you have a steady source of income, such as a job?

Is your employment history, particularly in the past few years, stable enough for a lender?

Have you met previous debts and obligations on schedule?

These questions will come up, and your answers will be verified in the loan process. If you are positive about most of these things, then you are probably in a good position to start looking in earnest.

Nichole Robertson
Lead Editor
January 27, 2023
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