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Video — About Veteran Couples And Joint VA Loans

67.5 seconds
When two or more veterans seek a VA loan additional rules and guidelines apply.This video explains the basics. Official VA guidelines state that strengths of one veteran related to income and/or assets may compensate for weaknesses of the other. BUT... satisfactory credit of one veteran cannot compensate for poor credit of the other. When one of the borrowers is NOT a veteran the guidelines are slightly different. In that case the income of the veteran has to be sufficient to repay their portion of the loan. Income strength of the non-veteran spouse cannot compensate for income weakness of the veteran in determining eligibility. Finally, for joint loans where any party besides the veteran and/or their spouse will hold title to the property VA review is required. The VA Lenders Handbook - VA Pamphlet 26-7 - has more details.
Nichole Robertson
Lead Editor
January 27, 2023
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