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As you will see in this video, discharge conditions can affect a veterans eligibility for a VA loan. Veterans separated with a dishonorable discharge may not be eligible. If your discharge state is other than honorable or was changed, modified or corrected you may be able to pursue an appeal with the help of the local VA office. Be sure to have copies of your DD214 - Condition of Discharge form and any documentation clarifying conditions or changes in your discharge status. Lenders may not be familiar with the process so getting assistance from the VA is advised.
When two or more veterans seek a VA loan additional rules and guidelines apply.This video explains the basics. Official VA guidelines state that strengths of one veteran related to income and/or assets may compensate for weaknesses of the other. BUT... satisfactory credit of one veteran cannot compensate for poor credit of the other. When one of the borrowers is NOT a veteran the guidelines are slightly different. In that case the income of the veteran has to be sufficient to repay their portion of the loan. Income strength of the non-veteran spouse cannot compensate for income weakness of the veteran in determining eligibility. Finally, for joint loans where any party besides the veteran and/or their spouse will hold title to the property VA review is required. The VA Lenders Handbook - VA Pamphlet 26-7 - has more details.