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Video — How To Choose Auto Insurance

73 seconds
Auto insurance is legally required, but it's up to you to shop and choose. Here are some tips. One, do your research. Search both locally and nationally. Read reviews and check consumer ratings. Don't give out your contact info until you've narrowed your choices to companies with excellent service, affordable policies, and the right coverage. Two, rate shop. Each company has slightly different models and rates. It's worth shopping with your specific car and circumstances. Three circumstances matter type and age of car your age, others in your household, particularly teenagers, affect rates. So does your driving record or deals and. Combining auto with other insurance such as homeowners or umbrella policies can reduce your overall spend and reduce paperwork. Five. Work with an expert. They'll help you figure out coverage that suits your situation.
Marco Giordano
Writer, Researcher & Video Editor
January 27, 2023
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