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Video — Fast Facts On Flood Insurance

77 seconds
Don't wait for a hundred year storm to learn about flood insurance. Here are some key facts. One, there's generally a 30 day delay before new flood insurance coverage is in force two. It's not just riverfront homes, one in five flood insurance claims are made from low risk areas. Three. Standard homeowners insurance will not cover floods. Fortunately there are solutions. Flood insurance is quite affordable. The Federal Emergency Management Agency says that annual flood insurance premiums can be as low as $112. You can purchase flood insurance from any insurance company that participates in the National Flood Insurance Program. You can supplement N F I P coverage with private insurance for additional coverage. Not having flood insurance is costly. Damage from that rising water could cost you thousands, even an additional loan on top of an existing mortgage. Visit flood and talk to your agent to understand your options.
Cathy Hills
Content Associate
January 27, 2023
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