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The term "mortgage insurance" can be a bit confusing; this video might help. Mortgage insurance covers thelender, not the homebuyer, but mortgage insurance premiums are paid by the homebuyer. Confused? Read on. If a home buyer cant make a large enough down payment, the lender is taking a bigger risk that they might not be repaid. Its a silly example, but if you made a $1 down payment on a $1M dollar house, you wouldnt have a very big reason to stick around if market conditions or personal situations go bad. In general, if the down payment is under 20% of the loan (including that $1 down payment), the lender wants insurance that they will be repaid. So you, the buyer, agree to pay mortgage insurance because the lender is taking a bigger risk. If the borrower cant repay, the lender might foreclose on the property, and file a claim with the mortgage insurer for losses. If mortgage insurance comes up in your loan shopping, ask about FHA programs; there may be options that help you. If you do take a loan that requires mortgage insurance, keep track of your equity. You will probably have the option of dropping mortgage insurance when your equity is high enough.
Understanding the building-blocks of a mortgage may help you compare your options. Your monthly payment is based on a complex calculation that changes over time, so "getting the picture" can be tricky! The biggest pieces are: Loan Amount Interest Rate Term (years to pay off) Payment Schedule Down Payment Equity Down payment and equity are of course closely related, but remember that your equity changes as loan payoff proceeds. This short video visualizes the way these factors relate to help you make sense of the math.
The down payment on a home affects many things — what home you can afford, loan size, financing terms and more. Getting some sense of the down payment you can afford can be difficult; people are quick to share advice from their experience, but conditions may have changed. In general, the higher the % of the purchase that you can cover in the down payment, the better the loan terms as a whole are likely to be. 5% of the home is currently the minimum down-payment amount. Keep in mind that any amount under 20% will generally require a mortgage insurance policy, which does increase borrowing costs. Keep in mind that the down payment is not the only sizable payment involved in buying a home. You will also need cash for closing expenses, moving, decorating, furnishing and possibly repairs. Check your credit history when youre sizing up down payment and loans; its also a vital part of the equation.
Do high-tension power lines have long-term health impacts? Everybody uses electrical energy, and power lines are required to carry it. Rumors and notions about possible effects from high-tension power lines have been around for quite some time. However, as this video reveals, according to the HUD – the US Department of Housing & Urban Development— there are no conclusive research findings verifying that direct exposure to power lines leads to higher circumstances of illness or disease.
Make sure to check a few practical risks in the decision process for a new home, including: Natural disaster risks Is it in an earthquake-prone area? Is earthquake insurance available, and how much does it cost? Likewise, are hurricanes a risk? Tornadoes? How high does the property sit, and is there a risk of flood? (Watch the video on floods here on Video-Genius.) Are there hazardous materials in the area? Building Code compliance; the house should meet local codes. Local zoning and (if applicable) homeowner association rules can also play a big role in future changes. If you envision remodeling, making an addition, or other substantial changes, be sure you understand the regulations and permits that will be involved.
Buying a home is so complex that getting started may be intimidating. Ask yourself some basic questions before getting deeply involved. Are you prepared financially and emotionally to make the long-term investment and commitments involved? Are you clear on your budget, both up-front costs and monthly costs? Have you discussed the things youre looking for in the house — space, rooms, features and the rest — in advance? Have you narrowed down the places that you think will fit your life? You will find it easier to get started after being clear on these key factors; writing them down may even help you stay objective through the many decisions to come.